The Disclaimers, Rules and What-Have-you

A place for all the site code of conduct details.
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The Disclaimers, Rules and What-Have-you


Post by chris »

Forum Disclaimer
User’s posts are their personal opinions do not represent the views of US Military Gamers or its staff. US Military Gamers is not responsible for the content of forum posts, and does not certify any information on the forums as correct, worthy or accurate. You should treat any content or advice received under these considerations.

All posts and other communications through the US Military Gamers forums, including private communications, are the property of US Military Gamers. We reserve the right to remove your content, including all posts and topics created, at our discretion. Our public forums are crawled by search engines, and so forum posts and topics may appear in search results for seach engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and others. US Military Gamers does not accept responsibility for search engine results that may include public forum posts. Private forums are not crawled, as so will not appear in search results.

Your email address is not visible to other forum users. If you disclose any contact details through the forums you do so at your own risk. US Military Gamers does not accept any responsibility for the consequences of such disclosure.

US Military Gamers team members can view your email address. This will be kept private, except if we are requested to provide this information by a duly authorised person or organisation with the legal right to make such a request.

As the User, you accept sole liability for any content you post to the forums. You agree to indemnify US Military Gamers and its team members against and costs, claims, damages, liability, legal fees, loss and other expenses we may incur resulting from your post(s) or other communications using the US Military Gamers website. We expressly exclude any liability for damages or loss resulting from a breach of the Forum Rules. We retain the right to remove or block access to any material which we believe is in breach of the Forum Rules, at our sole discretion.


Please refer to the Rules Link in the top bar for the official and exhaustive list of rules and regulations.

It is the common believe that the primary rules of this forum are made in good faith, and are " Basic Common Sense". However, we feel that the following subjects need to be additionally stressed and reiterated, specifically in regards too the following:

Flaming is defined on this board as "any action or speech intended specifically to incite conflict". Flaming is not permitted on this board. Examples of flaming include, but are not limited to: Libel, direct or implied insult, graphic mocking (signatures, etc), and false accusations.

Spam is defined on this board as "is any sort of unwanted message shared with a large number of people online". For example, Spam posts may contain one or more links to commercial websites, such as those for weight loss, gambling, or real estate..

Thread Hijacking
Thread hijacking is defined on this board as "any post that attempts to derail or change the direction of a thread". If you need to address a new issue in the course of a thread, please start a new thread.

Thread Necromancy
Thread necromancy is defined on this board as "replying to a thread that has had no activity for more than 180 days". If you wish to revisit the topic an older thread covers, please start a new thread. You may reference the old thread if necessary. If an old thread is necro'ed, it will be closed to new posts.

Multi-posting is defined on this board as "making two or more posts consecutively by a single member in a short period of time". Multi-posting often only serves as a method for increasing one's post-count artificially. If you find that you have more to say on a subject, but no one has yet replied to your last post, please simply edit your last post. This ruling includes "bumping". If you feel that a thread needs to be at the top of the forum, talk to one of the moderators about having it set as a Sticky post. They will ultimately decide on whether it merits the status or not.

Link Posting
In order to curb the posting of spam on this board, we have instituted a "probation" period for new members. Until this period has passed, new members are not permitted to post any links. Based on the current volume of posting, we have set this period at five days and five posts. If the usage on this site changes significantly, the duration of the period will be revisted.

In the past, the discussion of politics on our forums have resulted in very inflammatory comments. As a result, the discussion of politics is allowed with a VERY short leash. If we find that our members cannot discuss political issues calmly and maturely, we will lock said posts, and ban any and all individuals that participate in such conduct immediately.

As we may have children in our community, the discussion and posting of pornography is forbidden in any public forums. The definition of pornography on this board is defined at the moderators' discretion, and need not be defined to the membership.

Copyright Issues or Conflicts
If you use another artist's work in your signature or other graphics, US Military Gamers requests that you first obtain the artist's permission and reference it. If you are realistically unable to contact the original artist, we will permit the use of their work under the assumption of "fair use" until such time as its use on this website is challenged. If we are requested to remove unauthorized derivations of an artist's work, we will do so immediately.

Board Moderation

Our Global moderators monitor our board in two ways: by examining posts that are reported by the members and by reading through the forums daily. If they find a post or other action that goes against the intent of this board and its policies, they have full authority to take action against the offender. The following "punishment" scale has been set up for this purpose:
  • First Offense: Private warning sent by PM and email.
  • Second Offense: Account deactivated for one week.
  • Third Offense: Account deactivated and banned for one month.
  • Fourth Offense: Ban by IP address. Duration will be determined by the moderator.
  • Fifth Offense: Permanent ban and removal from our site and games as applicable.
For the sake of propriety, the previous scale is primarily for policy purposes, and the moderators will fully examine the severity of the offense. As such, the punishment enacted will largely be at the Moderators' discretion. However, in all cases the poster will be informed of his offense and why he was punished.

Moderators and Administrators have the final say in all moderation issues.